I got my scoot tickets to Taiwan!
Taiwan has always been in my "to go list" and since my parent have been asking me to bring them for a trip. Why no this time? I'm just a fresh graduate that has only been working for a year... How could I afford to pay for the whole family. Maybe Scoot Taipei sale is the opportunity to spend on my family.
The online booking experience is not fun and it is very tiring, especially for sale ticket. I was looking at the sale yesterday morning, checking for good dates but nothing caught my eyes (maybe I'm too slow, people had make their purchase already).
When I finally saw a date that is good for all, parent had problem remembering their passport number while other is unreachable... Coordinating to get the ticket is the down side of travelling, but I believe this is the trip that I have been looking forward to. When was the last time you have a family travel trip? I don't usually go overseas with them because I come from a slightly lower than average income family. Parent have been working hard to meet ends meet. I stop taking pocket money after I graduated from Poly and I'm proud to say that I saved up to pay for my own University fee (yes there were days where I went crying to mom for some allowances while I was bankrupt but that was for my last semester school fee. Which means I still owe her money!) SO.. my last trip with them was Genting Highland 6years back. Looking at my parent, make me realised that as I am busying growing up and search for the true purpose in life, my parent are growing old.

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the
Lord your God is giving you.
Exodus 20:12
Honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself.
Matthew 19:19
Beside paying for my parent, I decided to be sweet to give my boyfriend a treat. Nothing big as compare to what he has been giving me. A boyfriend who is so selfless and always sponsor me for our holidays and he was my support while I'm in university paying for some of my necessities. I was thrifty on food so that I could save more but he never fails to bring me to indulge in good food. Having my budget I could only afford on budget airline. So I'm afraid he will suffer with the limited leg space. He is 188cm tall, VERY tall so he usually go for non-budget airline.
Back to the online booking. Beside having hard time coordinating, I had a hard time booking as well... Ask me how many times I tried, 3 times! Error message keep popping while trying to make the payment. And sale being sale, ticket can be gone by seconds. Called up scoot, but took me so long to get through. The booking was reserve but when I called back to make payment they told me the booking has been cancelled. Have to do it online booking again! Ok, fine. Key in the details again and once again had problem on the payment page. Called scoot again and the "best thing" is there is no booking reflected on the system this time so I cannot make payment through the phone, unless I book through teleconversation and have an additional charge of $30. Of cause I won't since I'm trying to get the most out of what I could pay for. Decided to give it a last try. Blood boiling high at that time. Luckily it get through, by then It was 4pm! With all the mishap, I only managed to get the departure sale ticket. Paying $172 for returning flight. Sad but still feel that it was a catch.
Looking forward to fly with scoot for the first time, hope it will be good.
Taiwan, I'm coming!
Which are the places that are a must to visit while I'm in taiwan?