Life in squared pixels

Showing posts with label dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dress. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I ♥ this

Love this dress. Seldom will I be attracted to bright coloured dresses, but this make my skin tone look so healthy & tone. Reluctantly gave it up because it is too short for me. 

I received a strawberry rose today! Don't you think it look so alike? Some little things like this could just brighten up your day if you choose to be happy. My days maybe bad most of the time but I choose to believe that there is a sunshine after the rain.

I give thanks for the blessings & I choose to praise the Lord during the difficult times. Sound easy, but it is real tough coming to act in faith. I can complain like mad but ultimately I repent knowing that God has the best plan install for me. Will keep proclaiming until I finally get the joy that God has for me.
You have a choice too, God allows us to make the choice. I choose the narrow path that lead to heaven, hoping that I can finish the race, how about you? 

Manage to create that rose because the strawberry was so big!
Smile because I choose to.

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