Life in squared pixels

Monday, August 21, 2006


Din noe wat to give my title as... hehee.

Monday blues, Sunday post sadness.

Wat a friend lor... Said that we go for the course together. In the end she is going with another person. I still keep in considersation that cos she is studying so it will be quite hard for her to plan. Just as I wanted to ask her for her new schedule, she broke e news tt she is going for e course already. Ane e worst thing is... The application to this month course is closed. Super sad la. She still can come n tell me tt there will be another 1 coming up in sep. Harlo U, im always updated to that lor, just thinking for you. I cant believe my ear la.

With wat had happened... my monday is really bluez already. In addition of those comments and responds of THE EXPERTS in the office really ruin my day. IRRITATING. Never fell so down bbefore... All started to comes after 1 another.... So blue. Can it be purple soon... so tt i can see the r a i n b o w sooner.

The End
of the sad sad story

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