Life in squared pixels

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Spongebob Square Pant really make my Morning.

Waking up in the morning is really terrible for me. When all your family members have all gone out. No Haha (mummy) to wake me up, No Chichi (daddy) to pull me out of bed and No Otooto (Didi) to irritate my morning. The only thing left to get me out of bed is to have a great shock when the phone goes... SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANT!!! However, this Spongebob has saved me from lots adventure from my dreams. Wahaha. Like being saved [tt's im still alive], saved from astonishment and lots more...

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingNext, you have to apply the 5 steps to wake up.
[Students that have difficulty wake up too, Pls pay full attention!]

Step 1: Rub you eyes (be gentle), let your eyes feel the movement of ur fingers.
*but according to someone it is to rub e dirt off ( sounds correct, but nt fairy tale enough)

Step 2: Try opening your eye. However when u take away your banket off your head n open either eyes, you will realise that it's too bright. So.. cover back ur banket, close your eyes and try it again after 5mins.

Step 3: Yawns alittle to activate your body. If you see someone beside you, pls make sure who is it, n then give him/her a smile to brighten the day. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Step 4: Do some stretching to feel better. However, you will feel lazy, so can try resting for another 5mins.

Step 5: Take away your banket, let your body adapt to the temperature, you will feel abit cold by then, so you can take another 5mins to take away n cover back n take away your banket. Until finally, you GET OUT OF BED!!

Caution: You may either fall back to sleep, or you have to set your alarm earlier to finish all the steps.

AND yes. It took me 10mins (7.15am to 7.25am - today) to get out of bed, not including the time for lai chuan.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPractice makes perfect!!

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