Quick update
Everyday was physically challenging as well as mentally. I could fall asleep in 1 sec after laying on the bed. Just an excuse for no jotting down my journey with God. I guess the main reason lays with my laziness. I reckon I might be the most ill-disciplined athlete. I do go for my regular training but I am suppose to do another 2 long runs per week on my own yet I always have an excuse to sleep at home. Maybe God is working on that weakness of my at this moment too.
In between the 18 days, God grace was upon me. Celebrated my birthday and I guess the best gift that God has given me is to be whole. Was at the service on my birthday when Pastor asked someone that specifically think that 'he/she has forgiven someone but has always be haunted by the hurts' to step out. I were troubled but I took the faith to receive the blessing.
I'm not sure if I could continue to befriend with those that hurt me that badly but I guess the hatred has been set free. I feel the freedom to love again!
Surprisingly, I agreed to meet up with one of them. Though the friendship wasn't the same anymore but I guess God is working something within me. Humility.
At workplace, I found myself being able to speak out when I feel that the bully was too much. Thank God for the boldness.
Day 37
Training was tremble. Totally unprepared for the workout because we had just did a 2.4km time trial 2 days ago. (11.20min)
I thank God that I manged to pull through the 20x speed endurance workout.
I was at the verge of giving up at my 10th. I was so frustrated with the given workout but the resting time was too short for me to get angry. Was certainly angry with coach too... "What crazy workout?!" "My legs are burning!" "My heart pumps to the maximum" "I need to throw the towel" all these were on my mind. In that split second God voice was so loud and clear. He said: Just like the heavenly father, coach know what is the best for her athlete, trials of life are similar to the painful workout and it's only when you conquered then you will rise. I never said christian life is easy but how obedience are you and how much do you put your trust on Me and run the race for Me?"
Everyday is a learning moment for me, just have to be alert to hear His voice. How about you?
As I learn life through running, I hope I could apply my running spirit to my life.

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