Life in squared pixels

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Run

The RUN.

So happy to be able to go for a after missing trg for abt 2 wks. After all the illness, giddiness and the busi-ness. A thing to cheer for was that, ytd was the first time I went jogging with him. For so long, we had been doing our own trg n never had a chance to run together. So Happy!

Along the run, my mind went wild, thinkin on alot of stuffs.
At pt of time, when im tired I din want to tell him cos I dun want to affect him cos he seem tired too. It's like being in relationship. At time when e reationship seem to be boring but becos you so wanted to continue to be with tt person and finish the run with, or becos U love tt person n din want to hurt tt person... somehow sth like tt [it's complicated]... Haha. So we kept silent. But watever it is 开心就好!

This must be always a start & an ending. You may start the run with anybody. Halfway thru, either partner may slow down or stop. Will you wait for him/her? Or get another person to run the other miles? It's all depend on you. Watever it is 开心就好!However, the next person may not be running at a comfortable pace for you. It's either to adapt, stop to wait for the previous 1 or running ahead to change... Haha. Watever it is 开心就好!

Haha.. Hehee. Toking for so long. Dun really noe wat I tryinh to put across actually. Anyway, for now I still noe tt im still running with yonggie bear. haha...

Jia You to all Tp tracker. Wanna wish all e luck to be with you all during IVP. God bless. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

くがつ にじゅににち に lれい れい ろく 、金 よび

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