Life in squared pixels

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Thankgiving to 2007

Thankgiving to 2007 present

2007 was a yr of sufferings and it had nt been gd for me. Despite the downs, there were a few ups as well. As the saying goes: God wont give us what we cant bear.

In e first half of e yr, I was struggling to do well in the working society; trying to cope and handle with the politics that is a well known thing in e office. As a newbie, nt everyone was as mercy as they shld be, but God is gd, He also ppl that are gd as well. The best thing is, God love everyone even they r gd or bad; the reason is, He has to love what He has created. God provided christian colleagues to light my life, seniors that are willing to guide and also provide a person that is dear to me so that i can hang on a little longer. I thank God for Angeline who really help me up alot in the office and also help me to grow in God alittle more. Being a working adult is a totally diff experience and I really thank God for tt.

For those that jus happened to pop by my blog, I wanna say to u is tt, do let the past be the past, anything tt was unpleasant leave it with 2007. Forgive those that had done wrong to u. For God says: Do nt judge and you will nt be judged. Do nt condemn, and u will nt be condemned. Forgive, and u will be forgiven. ---Luke 6:37. For God so love me that He can forgive the sin that i Have made, I want to let go all disappointments and wanna announce tt I have forgiven those that wasnt tt nice to me. Nevertheless, these were e ppl tt brought spice to my life. I do sincerely thank you.

God is always good!!! He is always a good organiser, He always has his timing for his plans; As I will always say, "GOd has a good plan for our future!"

duckI was so disappointed when I was rejected by NIE in yr 2006 for the 2007 intake, despite attaining a gd result in poly. Disappointed with God but He is surely glad tt im still believing in Him. Wanna shout to God that He will always be my God. In the mid of yr 2007, I received a confirmation letter from Uni. Nt 1 local Uni but 2.

Before stepping into the Uni life, God knows how much I would like to help up with the troubled teens and I was given an opportunity to help up in a gals' home. The experience was gd, an eye opener, and definitely learned alot from the friends there and also the gals.

Tough things are always all ard us. The phrase in Uni wasnt a smooth sailing one too. It all started even from the start. I felt so intimated by those that are younger n definitely much more clever students. Confident level was down to the seabed. I tried to pull up myself but to no avail. One thing that I can testify was that without confident things really will nt be that smooth sailing. The only thing now is to really gain back my confident.

Projects came rolling in even from the starts of the term and had v close deadlines, and what the profs teaches in class are like totally aliens while some JC graduates are like their best frens. Tons of books had to be read for self study purposes. The most stressful thing was, students keep saying GSR were fully booked and students grapping their lunch boxes rushing to their destinations.

The only thing that I do is... GOD PLS HELP ME!!! angel

As a young christian like me, I was pulling my ear long, hoping to switch on my 'Godwave', so that I will know how to handle the situation. God was gracious to me, He provided christian friends so that we can worship God in sch and taking a breath from the busy school life. I will never say e term was easy but I will proudly proclaim tt I have survived becos God see me thru. Some ppl do nt understand why I was so stressed up but He knows. "...God knows everythings" -- 1 John 3:20.

For this, I would like to thank God for ppl like michelle and my LTB mates. They are like the ppl that God has planted them into my path. And definitely my parent that tried so hard to understand my hardship, church friends that always keep me in prayers and my supporter that God has ask him to guide me to be a lady for God.

God is always Good. We may nt knows the reason for the thing that had happened ard us, but we will soon realise God is always good to us. The year was tough but I had a wonderful provided hoilday to sum up the year.

God, there are too much thing that I wan to thank you but tt will be countless, but what has been given to me, let's it be praises back to u. God, let submit myself to in the 2008, so that I can be mighty used by U.

PhotobucketChild of God- Maddy Chan

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